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EUMOFA Study on the Challenges of Aquaculture Products in Food Outlets

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EUMOFA Study on the Challenges of Aquaculture Products in Food Outlets


The European Market Observatory for Fisheries and Aquaculture Products (EUMOFA) has published the Study on the challenges of aquaculture products in food outlets, which was conducted following a request from the Market Advisory Council (MAC).

Several challenges have been identified for the farming sector to increase sales in the EU:

  • Difficulties in increasing the volume of production
  • Adaptation to climate change and scarcity of the resources
  • Increased production costs
  • Production and consumption seasonality
  • Higher logistical costs out of the main flows (rural areas)
  • Strong competition on the market, with an importance of price
  • Low level of organisation in the sector
  • Variable capacity for material and immaterial investments
  • Presence of fishmongers and fish counters to offer a diversity of products
  • Consumer preferences for wild caught products, but this is a side criterion

Find out more at https://eumofa.eu/documents/20124/115068/Aquaculture+outlets+study+_final.pdf/5aa4920a-525b-6ad8-bbe9-cf32d8f25be6?t=1718282885395.