DACIAT Closing Conference – Tulcea, 17 September, 2021
On the 17th of September 2021, the final conference of the DACIAT project took place. The event was hosted by Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development in Tulcea, Romania and it had a number of more than 50 participants, invited from academia, business and politics.
During the event there were presented the achievements of the project, the results obtained, the indicators achieved and the exchange of experience and knowledge shared between the partner countries.
The third local dissemination event for stakeholders from Ukraine – Izmail, 10 September, 2021
On September 10th 2021 Project Beneficiary 6 Agency of Sustainable Development and European Integration “Lower Danube Euroregion” held the 3rd local dissemination event, in Izmail (Ukraine). The aim of the event was to integrate relevant stakeholders in the DACIAT project implementation process and to provide consultation and feedback on the deliverables and outputs achieved.
The third local dissemination event for stakeholders from Greece – Komotini, 9 September, 2021
The Region of Eastern Macedonia Thrace organized on Thursday, September 9, 2021 at the Chris and Eve Mansion Hotel in Komotini, the 3rd Local Dissemination Event, within the transnational project DACIAT BSB-461.
At the beginning of the event, the Deputy Head of the Development Planning Department of the AMTH Region and Project Manager Ms. Paraskevi Chouridou addressed an inaugural greeting and the representative of the Contractor Company Com n Com Roidou Konstantina presented the major deliverables and successful deliverables.
This was followed by speeches by specialized speakers on fish farming and an open discussion of companies with intervention and coordination by the expert on fish farming and aquaculture from the Region Mr. Ioannis Kyrkoudis, who also spoke about the future of the aquaculture sector. Problems have been identified, such as the reduction in the size and weight of fish and the fact that young people do not want to be involved in fishing, so the Fishermen’s average number varies with older people and people from other countries. Also, solutions and good practices from abroad were proposed and the most important findings of the 2nd local workshop with entrepreneurs on September 8 were analyzed.
Data on certification standards and breeding of various aquaculture species were provided. Also, following the 2nd local dissemination event, the problem of the intense growth of phytoplankton in the area of the Region was discussed
After the speeches, the attendees had the time to ask questions to the experts and through dialogue to give answers to the most critical problems.
2nd Local Workshop with Entrepreneurs – Turkey-Ukraine, 8 September, 2021
The second local workshop with entrepreneurs, organized by Karadeniz Technical University – Faculty of Marine Sciences (Turkey) and the Agency of Sustainable Development and European Integration “Lower Danube” Euroregion” (Ukraine), was held on 8 September 2021 as a hybrid event: in physical (Basarabia Hotel, Izmail, Ukraine) and online format, via zoom.
After welcoming speeches Coordinators Igor Babaian and Ertug Duzgunes gave brief information about current state of fisheries and aquaculture in the both countries. Stakeholders from Ukraine stated their needs about crayfish and sturgeon culture.
Due to the information given during the study visit paid on 26-27 August in Izmail town, KTU team invited 2 experts from other universities and farmers who have production trials on these two species. Experts provided brief information about culture methods from eggs to market size, challenges and advantages using different species from the same families. At present crayfish farming is carried out in Central Anatolia and Mediterranean coast while sturgeon culture is performed in two farms in Samsun and one in Keban Dam (Elazığ).
The fish health insurance system in Turkey, risk types under the coverage and the support systems of the Union and Chamber of Trade and Industry for fish farmers were also presented.
2nd Local Workshop with Entrepreneurs – Romania-Greece, 8 September, 2021
On September 8th 2021, the project partners from Romania (Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development, Fishing Areas Federation, Association of Cross-border Cooperation “Lower Danube Euroregion”) and Greece (Region of East Macedonia and Thrace) hosted the 2nd local workshop with entrepreneurs.
The workshop took place in 4 locations, 3 of them being in Romania (Tulcea, Braila and Galati) and one in Greece, connected to each other online through the Zoom platform.
The main topics of the workshop included the presentation of the DACIAT project (objectives, activities and results achieved) as well as the status of the aquaculture sector in Romania and Greece and the Virtual Center of Competences in Aquaculture (AVCC) developed by the project consortium. The open-access platform provides aquaculture SMEs/entrepreneurs and all those interested in developing an aquaculture business, useful information, templates, useful links to various institutions’ website, news and periodical newsletters, as well as good practices examples from DACIAT partners countries.
The third local dissemination event for stakeholders from Turkey – 31 July, 2021
The 3rd local dissemination event from Turkey was organised on the 31st of July. Participation to the 3rd meeting was less than the expectations due to several reasons: being in summer holiday season after so boring lock downs and due to intensive workload for exporters harvesting fish from net cages, freezing, cold storage and logistics from processing plants to transfer products with cold cold chain, and moreover custom processes for export.
The meeting was carried out over Zoom with the participation of Provincial Director of Agriculture and Forestry and Head of Fisheries and Aquaculture Section from the same Directorate, Eastern Black Sea Exporter Union, Trabzon Chamber of Trade and Industry, Trabzon Union of Fish Farmers and representatives of Fish Farming Companies.
There were several important items in the agenda of the event: activities completed during the implementation period and ongoing ones till the last day of the project; considerations about the 1st Local Workshop between Greece and Turkey; according to the impressions gained from this meeting what the expectations are from the 2nd Local Workshop between Turkey and Ukraine which will be held in near future; state of aquaculture and exports during the recent period of Covid-19 pandemics.
The feedback from the stakeholders of the aquaculture sector is very positive and the same expectations are considered for the meeting between the entrepreneurs from Turkey and Ukraine.

The second local dissemination event for stakeholders from Greece – 14 July, 2021
The 2nd Local Dissemination Event was organized by representatives from the Region of Eastern Macedonia (Greece) and Thrace on Wednesday 14 July 2021 at Chris and Eve Mansion Hotel in Komotini.
The Dissemination Event was attended by representatives of the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, as well as people active in the field of aquaculture in the wider region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace.
The event started with a presentation of the DACIAT project, followed by speeches by specialized speakers on fish farming issues and an open discussion of the companies followed with the intervention and coordination of the expert in fish farming and aquaculture from the Region, Mr. Ioannis Kyrkoudis. The problems identified were presented, as well as solutions and good practices from abroad by the other partners. Issues such as compensation for natural disasters, the future of the aquaculture sector, opportunities through European programs and proposed collaborations were analyzed. Various proposals were made for experimental shellfish cultivation in lagoons-restoration of natural populations, in collaboration with educational institutions.
After the speeches, the attendees had time to ask questions to the experts.
1st Local Workshop with Entrepreneurs – Turkey-Greece, 13 July, 2021
The first local workshop between Turkey and Greece was held on 13 July 2021 as a hybrid event; in physical and online format. All Turkish and some Greek stakeholders participated online (29 people) and some others (12) personally at the meeting room at the venue in Komotini, organised by the REMTH.
There was a wide range of participants representing fish, shellfish, seaweed and algae culture, traders, exporters, processors and representatives of public authorities, local administrations, service providers and NGO’s.
After formal opening and welcoming speeches, participants introduced themselves to the others to let everyone know ”who is who”. Brief information was given by each of the participants about their field of interest in the aquaculture industry in the Black Sea and REMTH.
The main topics of the workshop included the status of fisheries and aquaculture and good practices in Turkey and Greece.
Both partners also gave brief information about the research activities carried out in the research institutes and universities as unique sources for education and training by giving graduates to serve the aquaculture industry.
The third local dissemination event for stakeholders from Romania – Braila, 12 July, 2021
The third local dissemination event for stakeholders from Romania was organized by the Fisheries Areas Federation (FAF) on the 12th of July 2021, in Braila.
The aim of the event was to identify and integrate relevant stakeholders in the project implementation proces, for consultation and feedback on major deliverables and outputs achieved.
The main topics of the event included a general presentation of the project DACIAT BSB-461 (project partners, general and specific objectives, activities), the main results and outputs achieved so far and future activities, the Aquaculture Virtual Centre of Competences (AVCC) and the status of the aquaculture sector in Romania.
The participants included representatives of local public authorities, regional public authorities, business support organizations, NGOs, fisheries and aquaculture organizations. The event concluded with a session of questions and answers.
1st local workshop with entrepreneurs – Romania-Ukraine, 25 May, 2021
On May 25th 2021, the project partners from Romania (Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development, Fishing Areas Federation, Association of Cross-border Cooperation “Lower Danube Euroregion”) and Ukraine (Agency of Sustainable Development and European Integration “Lower Danube” Euroregion”) hosted the 1st local workshop with entrepreneurs.
The workshop took place physically in 4 locations, 3 of them being in Romania (Tulcea, Braila and Galati) and one in Ukraine (Izmail), connected to each other online through the Zoom platform. In addition to presenting topics of interest in the field of aquaculture, such as the state of aquaculture in the two countries, financing opportunities in the field of aquaculture, examples of good practice, etc., the workshop gave the participants the opportunity to interact with each other, in order to develop possible future collaborations and to exchange knowledge, experience and good practices.
The second local dissemination event for stakeholders from Turkey – 18 May, 2021
The second local dissemination event for stakeholders from Turkey took place via Zoom connection on 18 May 2021, during 14:00-16:30.
The aim of the event was to identify and integrate relevant stakeholders in the DACIAT project implementation process and to provide consultation and feedback on major deliverables and outputs achieved. The main topics included information about the project activities carried out, discussions regarding the establishment of a virtual training center in order to develop aquaculture and fish trade and increase existing competencies and the establishment of a committee to create a policy document for the development of the sector, as well as input from the participants regarding the aquaculture sector and the project.
The second local dissemination event for stakeholders from Romania – Galati, 3 December, 2020
On December 3rd, ACTEDJ organized the Local Dissemination Event in the context of the Improving the existing competences and developing new ones in the aquaculture and fish products trade sector” DACIAT BSB-461 project. DACIAT’s overall objective is to improve actual capacities in the field of aquaculture by increased cross-border cooperation in the Black Sea Region and, specifically, to upgrade the innovation capacity of existing enterprises activating in the field of aquaculture. The project is building on a consolidated experience of exchange by moving towards concrete transfer of good practices in 4 Black Sea countries – Romania, Greece, Turkey and Ukraine – aiming to improve their competences, especially in what concerns support for aquaculture enterprises, in particular SMEs.
At the event, that has as a goal to identify and integrate relevant stakeholders in the project implementation process, participated the representatives of both public and private sector, that are active in the aquaculture field. The event included 2 parts – one where the ACTEDJ team presented the project results and a second one – enabling a spec for discussion especially focused on DT1.4.1Overview of markets and marketing strategies in all partner regions and DT1.3.1_Common Guidelines Aquaculture Business Romania and how they can be transferred/used at the local and regional level. The event took place at Danubius University, Senate Hall, Bd. Galati, no. 3, on December 3, 2020 starting with 14:30 and was attended by 20 participants.
The second local dissemination event for stakeholders from Ukraine – Izmail, 28 July, 2020
On July 28th 2020 Project Beneficiary 6 Agency of Sustainable Development and European Integration “Lower Danube Euroregion” held the 2nd local dissemination event, in Izmail (Ukraine). The aim of the event was to identify and integrate relevant stakeholders in the DACIAT project implementation process as well as to provide consultation and feedback on major deliverables and outputs achieved.
KAVALA – 13.11.2019
The first local dissemination event for stakeholders from Greece was organized by the Region of East Macedonia and Thrace (REMTH) on the 13th of November 2019, at Galaxy Hotel Kavala.
The main topics of the event included a general presentation of the project DACIAT BSB-461, the current status and anticipations regarding the inland fish farming, fisheries in the Greek lagoons and indicators of biological integrity, prospects and opportunities for micro and macro algae cultivation in the Region of East Macedonia and Thrace, prospects for the cultivation of bivalve mollusks, problems and suggestions for the management of lagoons and freshwater of REMTH, Greek fish farming and sustainability, as well as sustainable development, innovation and blue entrepreneurship.
The event concluded with a session of questions and answers.
ISTANBUL – 19.03.2019
On the 19th of March, 2019, the project partners participated at the Regional Blue Growth Seminar – Towards a Common Maritime Agenda for the Black Sea that was organized with the help of the European Commission and the BSEC PERMIS (Permanent International Secretary for Economic Cooperation at the Black Sea). The Seminar was divided into 6 interactive workshops that had questions & answers sessions. The participants received files with information about the Blue Economy in the Black Sea area, emphasizing the objectives as well as the results that are meant to be achieved.
The event was an opportunity to discuss relevant aspects regarding the development of the aquaculture and the fisheries areas, by finding new solutions to the problems encountered in these areas, by identifying new ideas that have been successfully implemented in other countries and may work in our country as well. After a brainstorming session, new ideas that could fulfill the objectives of the Blue Growth concept have emerged.
At this event, during Panel 5 – Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, the Lead Partner presented the project and its expected results in order to promote the project and create further synergies with other projects.
DACIAT Opening Conference, Trabzon, Turkey – 21 March, 2019
On the 21st of March 2019 the opening conference of the DACIAT project took place. The event was hosted by Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Marine Sciences and it had a number of 150 participants.
Within the conference, the project was presented and each partner summarized their individual activities throughout its implementation. The state of aquaculture and fish processing in the Black Sea was another main topic of the conference.
The event ended with a Questions and Answers session and a media conference including interviews with each partner of the project.
After the opening conference of the project, the partners attended a study visit that was organized by the Karadeniz University in Trabzon. The visit started at the university’s headquarters, where the participants visited the research center for aquaculture that consists of a reproduction system for sturgeons, trouts and turbots.
Next stop was at an aquaculture farm that the Turkish state operates, which aims to support the breeding and developing of new species of trout for different fish farmers in the area, as well as for the bigger farms.
The second to last visit was near a reservoir where detachable nurseries could be seen, cages with 5 to 16m diameter that could hold almost 25tones of fish each.
The last stop was at the aquaculture cages that were found at sea, where the fish remains until it reaches the proper size for selling, according to each buyer’s preferences.
General Assembly of the Balkan and Black Sea Commission, Tulcea, Romania – 12 April, 2019
On the 12th of April, in Tulcea the General Assembly of the Balkan and Black Sea Commission took place, an international event focused on maritime and transport affairs that gathered representatives of both public and private sector from the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR). Within the Workshop on Blue Growth, as a driver for cooperation in the Black Sea and the Danube and the experience from other sea basins, the ACTEDJ team had the opportunity to present the DACIAT project’s objectives, estimated results and synergies with other initiatives. The event set up allowed the ACTEDJ team to interact with other stakeholders that are involved in the aquaculture sector, creating the bases for development of DACIAT follow up activities that will ensure the sustainability of the project’s results.
The first local dissemination event for stakeholders from Ukraine – Izmail, 27 June, 2019
The first local dissemination event for stakeholders from Ukraine (representatives of fish farms and major sellers of fish products in the city and district, local authorities, etc.), organized by the Agency for Sustainable Development and European Integration “Lower Danube Euroregion”, took place on June 27th, 2019, at Bessarabia Hotel in Izmail.
The presentation of the project with its objectives and expected results, as well as activities planned during the implementation of this project was made at the dissemination event. The representatives of fish farms and representatives of major sellers of fish products of the city and district were invited to the event. The main challenges faced by the aquaculture business and top-level changes that are needed for business in this area were discussed.
The first local dissemination event for stakeholders from Romania – Tulcea, 28 May, 2019
The first local dissemination event for stakeholders from Romania was organized by Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development on May 28th, 2019, in Tulcea at the headquarters of the institute.
To the event were invited representatives of the fish farms, representatives of major sellers of fish products and representatives of local authorities from Tulcea county.
The agenda of the event included the project’s presentation (with its objectives and expected results, as well as activities planned during the implementation), the presentation of the Aquaculture Virtual Centre of Competences and a presentation about the evolution of the aquaculture in the Danube Delta. The meeting concluded with a session of questions and answers.
Promotional materials regarding the project were disseminated.
The first local dissemination event for stakeholders from Turkey – Trabzon, 29 May, 2019
The first local dissemination event for stakeholders in Turkey was held by the Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Marine Sciences (KTU FMS) with the participation of top authorities from local administrations, business support organizations, fish farms, fish processing companies, wholesellers, exporters, service providers, University units and SME’s on 29th, May, 2019 at Hotel Park Dedeman in Trabzon city.
After opening conference of the DACIAT project on 21 March 2019, the local dissemination event was the opportunity to give specific information about the project to the targeted audiences. After giving brief information about the project consortium, objectives, expected results and activities during the implementation period, stakeholders had the opportunity to express their expectations to increase aquaculture production, trade and public consumption as well as to increase export quantities. It was a very good occasion to bring all stakeholders to look for solutions to the existing legal, administrative and technical problems in the area. All participants expressed their willingness to provide their contributions to the project to support aquaculture industry and increase production and export. On the other hand some of the companies declared that they are ready to collaborate with investors from other partner countries for joint investments in production and trade.