Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development
The Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development (DDNI) was established in 1970 and it has as the main objective the performance of the fundamental and applied research for the scientific support of the management of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (DDBR) and other wet zones of national and international interest for the biological diversity conservation and the sustainable use. Due to its expertise and contribution to the local, regional and national research and development programs, DDNI has been nominated as:
- Centre of Excellence for Deltas & Wetlands
- National Reference Centre for Land Cover and Fisheries
- Main Scientific Advisor of the Ministry of Environment and
- Sustainable Development for the implementation of the NATURA 2000 Network in Romania
- Centre of Technological Information for the Danube Delta of the
- National Authority for Scientifically Research
The research activity of the Danube Delta National Institute is oriented upon the domains aimed to achieve the management objectives of the largest protected area in Romania and Europe:
- Assessment of the ecological status of the natural heritage and the elaboration of the biodiversity conservation measures;
- Monitoring of the DDBR biodiversity and environmental factors;
- Assessment of the natural resources and the exploitation levels in accordance with the regenerating potential and the carrying capacity of the ecosystems;
- Elaboration of the hydrological scenarios in support of the ecological restoration measures for the improvement of the water circulation regime on the existing channels network;
- Measures for the recovery of the endangered species populations – fish, birds, reptiles, mammals;
- Elaboration of the technical solutions for the restoration of the abandoned agricultural polders and fish ponds in order to increase the area of the natural habitats of fish and birds species;
- Modelling the basic processes of the aquatic ecosystems;
- Supporting studies for the harmonization of the socio-economic interests with the concept of the conservation of the natural capital;
- Developing the Geographical Information System for the Danube-Delta Biosphere Reserve.

Fisheries Areas Federation
The Fisheries Areas Federation is an NGO with legal personality which was constituted in 2015 due to FARNETs initiative (The Fisheries’ European Network). The Founding Members of the FAF are the Fisheries Local Action Groups, Romanian FLAGs (8 along the Danube, 2 on the Black Sea coastline, and 2 interior ones). The Purpose of the Federation is the unitary and coherent representation of the FLAGs interests when it comes to the central public or local administration and other institutions, for creating and/or improving the necessary conditions for community lead local development strategies that belong to each FLAG. The Fisheries Areas Federation has an important role in the community lead local development of the fisheries areas of Romania. Since 2011, FAF implemented throughout its members 12 strategies for the sustainable development of the fisheries areas, having a total eligible value of 55.436.185,42 euro. Since March 2017 founding members of Fisheries Areas Federation have signed the financing contracts for implementing the Local Development Strategies under POPAM 2014 – 2020 (Fisheries and Maritime Affairs Operational Program 2014 – 2020).
There are 8 Local Development Strategies that will be implemented having an approved eligible value of 22.760.610,08 euro. The main tasks that Fisheries Areas Federation members have in implementing the strategies are:
- preparation of working procedures;
- creating guidelines for applicants;
- project launching;
- organizing evaluation sessions,
- selection sessions and management of complaints;
- provide a call centre for providing advice in preparation of grant applications;
- organizing training sessions for beneficiaries, and monitoring to ensure compliance with contracts;
- on-site visits, participation in checking applicants for claims submitted, together with representatives of the Galati Regional Centre for the Fisheries Operational Program and of the Managing Authority of the Fisheries Operational Program;
- verification and approval of addenda to the contracts.

Association of Cross-border Cooperation “Lower Danube Euroregion”
Association of Cross-border Cooperation “Lower Danube Euroregion” (ACTEDJ) is the executive management structure of the “Lower Danube” Euroregion, entity founded in 1998 by public administration units from Romania (Tulcea, Braila and Galati County Councils), Republic of Moldova (Cahul and Cantemir Districts) and Ukraine (regional State Administration, Regional Council of Odessa and Reni District Council). The main goal of ACTEDJ is to assist its members towards an enhanced economic development and cooperation in the area of common interest, promote business and entrepreneurship in the tourism, cultural, agri-business and other sectors being underlined as a priority in the region and an objective assumed by the organization. Throughout over 21 years of cooperation in the Lower Danube Euroregion area, the ACTEJ members set up support structure that will enable sustainable development in the region as follows:
- Integrate Centre of Cross border Cooperation and Economic Development Zatun – Galati,
- Cross border Cooperation Centre for Environmental Protection – Vladesti,
- Centre for Environmental Management for Moldova.
- Public Private Centre in Galati
- Centre for Development Romania – Republic Moldova
The Association team comprises certified project managers and trainers in the area of project management, sustainable development – economic and strategic planning and eco-efficiency.
ACTEDJ responsibility assumed within the project in terms will be realized by capitalizing the experience and expertise of the members of the Specialty
Commission for regional development and cross-border cooperation and Specialty Commission local economic development and strategic planning, that its comprising experts from public institutions, NGO’s, institutes and universities, from Romania, Ukraine and Republic of Moldova.
ACTEDJ motto is “transforming challenges into opportunities” by capitalizing its members experience in implementing successful projects, backed up by the ACTEDJ team expertise and with the support of its 9 interdisciplinary and multicultural Specialty Commissions.
The budget balance for the ACTEDJ attracted projects is over 10.000.000 Euro.

Region of East Macedonia and Thrace
Region of East Macedonia and Thrace (REMTH) is one of the 13 regions in Greece. It is the second grade of local government and covers the northeast edge of the country, which is to say the eastern part of Macedonia and the whole of Thrace. The population comes to 608.182 inhabitants. It also includes two big islands of the Thracian Sea, Thasos and Samothrace.
The objective and responsibilities of the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace are the assumption of initiatives and the realization of actions that lead to sustainable and dynamic prospects of the region through coordination, organization and definition of paths which lead to development.
The region is involved in interregional, cross-border, transnational and sector programs with the purpose of, on the one hand utilizing and showcasing its comparative advantages, and on the other gaining modern expertise and incorporating innovative methods into its administrative function.
The implementation of such programs is made possible through the European Programs Management Structure and the sustainable cooperation with the Regional Development Fund of East Macedonia and Thrace (RDF-REMTH) whose responsibility is to provide technical and scientific support and also possess the monitoring and audit role of the fiscal subject for the projects. Staffed by experts on the implementation of EU financial tools, it comes under the Regional Governor. Furthermore, participate complementary task groups consisted by staff from pertinent offices of all other Regional Unities and the Managing Authority of REMTH During the 2007-2013 programmed period, Region of East Macedonia and Thrace, implements thirty one (31) projects of total budget over €40.000.000, utilizing all available EU financial tools. All actions, competitions, decisions and discussions regarding the implemented projects are published on the appointed webpage [www.pta-emth.gr]. The above, are also uploaded in the regional authority’s official webpage [www.pamth.gov.gr], as well as in all available printed and electronic information sources, aimed on the wider possible promotion of REMTH’s activity.
The activities are subject to strict scheduled as well as non-scheduled control from the pertinent European and National authorities.
Apart from REMTH’s participation in the following projects, the Regional Authority is a regular member in European networks which intervene in the formation of European policies and financial schemes as well as, build collaborations, partnerships and exchange of technological knowledge towards proposals submission in current or forthcoming competitions.

Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Marine Sciences
Karadeniz Technical University (KTU), is an institution established in 1955, where teaching and research are closely integrated with modern infrastructure, modern laboratories and good field work opportunities. KTU has high academic research personnel conducting high numbers of national and international projects on various fields carried out by both in-house personnel and in cooperation with industry, public and government authorities.
Among 17 faculties of KTU, Faculty Marine Sciences (FMS) covers almost all the aspects relating to Marine Sciences and technology including Fisheries Technology, Aquaculture, Ship design and construction, Marine transportation and management, and maritime business administration.
FMS has established a close link with industry by providing practical knowledge to solve their problems via collaborative projects/training courses and educating engineers.
Marine Sciences Faculty has been contacting various national and international research projects on this field since its establishment. It also takes role in undergraduate and post graduate education on fisheries technology, marine sciences, ship architecture, and deck management. In the faculty, marine sciences are handled in many ways such as:
– marine biology,
– fisheries aquaculture and pollution.
The Faculty is the partner of several EU networking, frameworks 6 and 7, and cross border projects for the Black Sea Basin.
It has two research vessels, experimental aquaculture unit and many laboratories (e.g. biology, chemistry, water pollution, genetics, fish processing).
Faculty has aimed to be more active to solve problems related to the Black Sea, try to increase the research area within the EEZ of Turkey and cooperation with the research institutions in the riparian countries and European institutions.

Agency of Sustainable Development and European Integration “Lower Danube” Euroregion”
Agency of Sustainable Development and European Integration “Lower Danube Euroregion” (ASDEI)- is a public organization according the Law of Ukraine “About citizens associations”, a non-governmental, non-political and non-profit organization. ASDEI is a regional public organization registered in Odesa region on June 26th 2008.
The main purpose of the establishment of the Agency is to contribute to the process of sustainable development and regional integration in border Odesa region, commonwealth member regions “Lower Danube Euroregion” and the European Community as a whole, the promotion of the European standards of public life and the promotion of sustainable socioeconomic and cultural development of Odesa region as a whole and separately in the Danube region.
ASDEI main objectives of the Agency are:
– Development and implementation of projects in various specific areas aimed at sustainable development of Odesa region as a full member of “Lower Danube” Euroregion”;
– Informing and raising public awareness on the European Integration. ASDEI team is comprising persons with expertise in developing and implementing cross-border cooperation projects, working in various areas of interest:
- management,
- economic,
- environment,
- agriculture,
- science,
- education,
- culture,
- tourism, –
- entrepreneurship, IT,
- marketing and communication.