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Category Archives: News

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EIT Food Accelerator Network (EIT FAN) Programme


The EIT Food Accelerator Network (EIT FAN) programme aims to fast-track science and technology-based innovations that are helping to solve global food system challenges. The four-month programme is managed by leading EIT Food partner organizations, operating from different regional hub locations in Europe. Impactful agrifood startups are connected with industry-leading corporate and research partners, in order to pilot innovative technology and to achieve a successful market adoption.

Eligibility criteria

For your business to be eligible, innovation must be underpinned by a science or technology with a proof of concept, or pilot project execution. It must also fall under one of EIT Food’s key focus areas: Alternative proteins; Targeted nutrition; Digital traceability; Sustainable agriculture; Sustainable aquaculture; Circular systems.

In order to apply for EIT FAN your company must be registered and established in an EU member state, or Horizon Europe associated countries. Your company must be at a pre-seed stage (you must not have closed a Series A investment round yet), and ideally, it has successfully completed customer validation and is able to demonstrate traction, for example, through letters of support, sales, or signed letters of intent.

Funding: up to €10,000

With the EIT FAN grant also comes the opportunity to access follow-on EIT Food funding and support through EIT Food’s Impact Fund.

Date for submitting applications

You can submit your applications from the beginning of January to the end of February each year, and all applications are evaluated from March-May. The start-ups considered to have the highest impact potential will be selected (up to 60 startup teams).

For more information access: https://entrepreneurship.eitfood.eu/accelerate/

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Survey for fishers/aquaculture producers


FARNET published a survey for fishers/aquaculture producers, as part of some research they are conducting on fisheries supply chains.

The survey is currently available in the following languages: English, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish.  This will take approximately 12 minutes to complete and most of the questions are multiple-choice and only estimates are required.

So, if you are a producer or a fisher, please complete the survey that can be found at the following link:


Your participation is very much appreciated!

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Video recording of online EUMOFA Talk on new aquaculture technologies


You can find here below the video recording of the Eumofa talk “Impact of new aquaculture technologies: growth potential in the EU market”, that took place on December 7th 2021.

During this talk, the external experts emphasized on the  market impact of innovative aquaculture-related techniques and technologies and the perspectives offered by both  studies on integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) and recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS).

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Turkish salmon exports


Record increase in Turkish salmon exports! From 56327000$ in 2020, to 137064058$ in the 11th month of 2021. Congratulations to everyone involved!

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EUMOFA Talk – Impact of new aquaculture technologies: growth potential in the EU market


On the 7th of December 2021, EUMOFA will organize the event “Impact of new aquaculture technologies: growth potential in the EU“, which will focus on the market impact of innovative and specific aquaculture-related techniques.

The event will be held online, from 10.00 a.m. to 11.45 a.m. (CET), on Zoom.

For details and registration link please access the following address:


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The EU Fish Market – 2021 Edition


The European Market Observatory for Fisheries and Aquaculture Products (EUMOFA) released the 2021 Edition of “The EU Fish Market”, which is available at the following link:


This report contains an economic description of the European fishing and aquaculture industry and presents the main trends of import, export and production.

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The fourth DACIAT Newsletter, covering months 19-30 of implementation

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DACIAT Closing Conference – Tulcea, 17 September, 2021


On the 17th of September 2021, the final conference of the DACIAT project took place. The event was hosted by Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development in Tulcea, Romania and it had a number of more than 50 participants, invited from academia, business and politics.

During the event there were presented the achievements of the project, the results obtained, the indicators achieved and the exchange of experience and knowledge shared between the partner countries.

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The third local dissemination event for stakeholders from Ukraine – Izmail, 10 September, 2021


On September 10th 2021 Project Beneficiary 6 Agency of Sustainable Development and European Integration “Lower Danube Euroregion” held the 3rd local dissemination event, in Izmail (Ukraine). The aim of the event was to integrate relevant stakeholders in the DACIAT project implementation process and to provide consultation and feedback on the deliverables and outputs achieved.

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The Multiannual National Strategic Plan for Aquaculture 2021 – 2030 (Romania) has been published for public debate. The document was developed by the National Fisheries Agency and Aquaculture, following consultation with actors involved in aquaculture activities and the Advisory Committee on Fisheries of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

You can access the Multiannual National Strategic Plan for Aquaculture 2021 – 2030 at the following link:
