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FEEDNETICS PRIZE for Aquaculture Nutrition Research Students – 2022/2023

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FEEDNETICS PRIZE for Aquaculture Nutrition Research Students – 2022/2023


SPAROS offers a prize for students and post-doc researchers that are conducting their research on aquaculture nutrition to foster the use of nutritional-based mathematical simulation in their work. The prize consists of free access to the FEEDNETICSTM web app, which is a prediction tool based on mathematical models that helps to evaluate in silico the effects of different nutritional and environmental conditions on fish farming production, contributing to improve aquaculture efficiency. 

Eligibile applicants: Postdocs, PhD and MSc students on aquaculture nutrition or related courses, who are registered as such on the launch date of the call (7/09/2022)

Application: send a proposal to feednetics@sparos.pt, with the subject “FEEDNETICS Prize 2022/2023”, explaining how you intend to apply FEEDNETICSTM in your work. More information regarding the application is available at: 


Deadline for submission: 13 January 2023.