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Tilapia Welfare Online Courses

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Tilapia Welfare Online Courses


FAI.ACADEMY, a multi-disciplinary training hub for people working for a better food system, is providing a series of free online courses on tilapia welfare.

The courses are suitable for people working in the tilapia aquaculture industry or studying aquaculture and consist of:

  • Tilapia welfare indicators, which will introduce the welfare indicators related to health, nutrition, environment, and behaviour;
  • Tilapia nutrition and welfare, which will provide practical tips on how to feed tilapia for better growth, health, quality, and welfare;
  • Tilapia environment and welfare, providing practical tips on how to monitor and manage the water quality parameters: oxygen, pH, alkalinity, TAN, nitrite, and transparency, as well as tips on how to manage predators and off-flavours;
  • Tilapia Behaviour and Welfare Indicators: from foraging to humane slaughter, which introduces the concept of animal welfare, focusing on how to measure tilapia behavioural indicators such as foraging and swimming behaviours, covering also humane slaughter and how to assess effective stunning.

Registration to the courses is available at the following link: https://fai.academy/aquaculture/welfare-in-tilapia-production-guideline-series/