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Bio-economic indicators of fisheries: impact of variations in landings and fish size on market prices in Istanbul Fish Market


The study Bio-economic indicators of fisheries: impact of variations in landings and fish size on market prices in Istanbul Fish Market investigates fish market prices in relation to landings and fish sizes from Türkiye’s largest fish market in Istanbul.

14-years market time-series analyses were used to determine indicators of fisheries impacts on the variations of market prices.

Market prices as economic indicators for fisheries may have the potential to reveal ecosystem variations and socioeconomic drivers.

The study is available at the following link: https://peerj.com/articles/15141/?utm_source=PeerJ&utm_medium=Twitter&utm_campaign=15141

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Guidelines for Streamlining Aquaculture Licensing and Leasing Processes


The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) prepared a document presenting guidelines for streamlining aquaculture licensing and leasing processes.

The guidelines have been prepared on the basis of a review of information available from Algeria, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, the European Union, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Libya, Malta, Montenegro, Morocco, Spain, Tunisia and Türkiye. 

The publication aims to support Mediterranean and Black Sea countries in streamlining licensing and leasing procedures, in order to facilitate the development of aquaculture by:

• proposing common definitions, concepts, standards and reference documents that contribute to enabling regulatory frameworks;

• supporting coordination among the various bodies responsible for aquaculture-related matters; 

• promoting soft-law mechanisms to simplify administrative procedures for licensing and leasing processes.

Check out the document at the link below:


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Aquaculture Europe 2023


Aquaculture Europe 2023 will be taking place during September 18 – 21, in Vienna, Austria.

This year’s event will focus on balanced diversity in aquaculture development and it will consist of submitted oral and poster presentations, an international trade exhibition, industry forum, student sessions and activities, satellite workshops and updates on EU research.

For registration and more information regarding the event, please access:


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God Practice: New Fish Farming Technologies


The video below presents several innovative technologies that will help optimize fish farming.

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21st International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish (EAFP XXI)


During 11th-14th September 2023, the European Association of Fish Pathologists is organising the 21st International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish (EAFP XXI), in Aberdeen, Scotland, UK.

The event will consist of 25 different session topics and 4 workshops, such as Animal Health and Welfare in Aquaculture or AMR in Aquaculture.

More information and registration are available at:


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Global Shrimp Forum 2023


The Global Shrimp Forum 2023 will take place between 5-7 September 2023, in Utrecht, The Netherlands.

The Global Shrimp Forum aims to bring together representatives of the warm water shrimp industry, in order to discuss the issues their businesses face, and to develop a long term strategy towards the creation of a resilient and sustainable industry.

Farmers, feed companies, technology suppliers, service providers, processors, exporters, importers, wholesalers, retailers and other industry stakeholders are expected to attend.

The first edition of the event was organized in 2022 and it gathered over 430 people from 33 countries, representing over 225 companies.

More information and registration link are available at https://www.shrimp-forum.com/

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Benchmarking Species Diversification in Global Aquaculture. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper No. 605


The publication Benchmarking species diversification in global aquaculture is a technical paper under the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Division’s initiative on the World Aquaculture Performance Indicators (WAPI). 

The document examines the status and trends of species diversification in global aquaculture and develops a benchmarking system to examine species diversification patterns in around 200 countries over a period of three decades (1988–2018) in order to provide information and insights to facilitate evidence-based policy and planning in sustainable aquaculture development.

The publication can be accessed at the following link: https://www.fao.org/3/cb8335en/cb8335en.pdf

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A Guide to Recirculation Aquaculture


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Eurofish International Organisation published a guide to recirculation aquaculture, based on the experience of one of the foremost experts in this area, Jacob Bregnballe from the AKVA group.

The guide is intended as a useful tool for fish farmers who are considering converting to recirculation systems, by: 

  • introducing the technology and the methods of management;
  • advising on good practice shifting to recirculation aquaculture;
  • addressing running a recirculation system, staff education and training;
  • providing case stories from different recirculation projects.

Check out the document at the link below:

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Good Practice: Pretul Saibling, Austria


Pretul Saibling was founded in 2016 and is a family based company that covers the entire value chain: from rearing to marketing and serving products at a restaurant on-site.

The business was supported by EU funding.

Find out more at:


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AQUA NOR – Exhibition


The Aqua Nor Exhibition is taking place during 22 Aug 2023 – 24 Aug 2023 in Trondheim, Norway.

Since 1979, Aqua Nor has been an important international meeting place for the aquaculture industry, becoming the world’s largest aquaculture technology exhibition.

During the exhibition, the latest important innovations in the industry are presented and seminars, mini-conferences, presentations, lectures and debates are organized in order to give visitors an up-date on professional information.

For registration and more information regarding the event, please access the link below:


You can also visit the digital exhibition, which is open for 12 months from 1st June 2023.

The digital exhibition allows you to access:
– A digital networking area
– Virtual exhibitor stands
– Product and company presentations
– Exhibitor contact information
– An on-demand broadcasting archive.

Find out more at: Aqua Nor 2023 – Digital – Aqua Nor