Project Summary

Project Title: Improving the existing competences and developing new ones in the aquaculture and fish products trade sector
Acronym: DACIAT
Project duration: 34 Months
Start date: 21.11.2018
End date: 20.09.2021
Total eligible value: € 682 883.57
DACIAT was born from partners’ desire to improve existing competences in the field of aquaculture and aquaculture-related fields in the Black Sea Basin. DACIAT builds on a consolidated experience of exchange by moving towards concrete transfer of good practices in 4 Black Sea regions aiming to improve their competences, especially in what concerns support for aquaculture enterprises, in particular SMEs. DACIAT’s overall objective is to improve actual capacities in the field of aquaculture by increased cross-border cooperation in the Black Sea Region and, specifically, to upgrade the innovation capacity of existing enterprises activating in the field of aquaculture. This project aims to create added-value for aquaculture enterprises, in particular for SMEs, by creating customized support services and improving the existing ones.
DACIAT is divided into 6 main components: Management and Coordination, Communication, State-of-the-Art Analyses, Development of an ICT Tool – Virtual Centre of Competences for the aquaculture sector, Exchange of experiences and Stakeholder involvement, as well as follow-up activities.
The project consortium is composed of 6 relevant organizations located in 4 countries in the Black Sea cooperation area: Romania, Turkey, Greece and Ukraine. All partners are relevant organizations with concrete responsibilities in the fields tackled by the project. All partners have identified aquaculture as a key priority for their territories and have confirmed the importance of the project theme in their current environment. Partners differ in development levels in this field. In some, aquaculture and related systems are not yet at an advanced stage. Others have established a comprehensive support system but still look to improve services. DACIAT aims at bridging these gaps through intensive cross-border cooperation with a view to mutual learning and benefits.
Danube Delta Research Institute, one of the main R&D institutes in the South-East Region of Romania is the Lead Partner. PP2 is the national association of Romanian FLAGs, while PP 3 (South-East Region/RO) is an NGO with 18-year experience in the field of cross-border cooperation. PP 4 REMTH is the regional authority of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace and is the Managing Authority for 2014-2020 ROP. PP 5 is an important state from Trabzon covering all areas of expertise related to Marine Sciences and Technology, including Fisheries and Aquaculture high-tech. It has a close link with industry and carries out experimental aquaculture in specialized laboratories. PP 6 is a public organization from Izmail/Ukraine whose mission is to promote sustainable socio-economic of Odessa region. PP6 has intensive experience in CBC projects and is an active member of international networks and has good connections within its territory and abroad.