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EUMOFA – Online Shop Retail Prices


The European Market Observatory for Fisheries and Aquaculture Products (EUMOFA) EUMOFA team has added Greece to the online shops retail prices tool, available at the following address: https://eumofa.eu/online-retail-prices

Data for Romania is also available at the same link.

EUMOFA collects retail prices of fish products from online shops that are representative of the national markets being monitored. In order to ensure comparability, special attention was given to selecting products that are as much as possible common across Member States. Prices are collected daily and aggregated on a weekly basis.

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EUMOFA Monthly Highlights: Fisheries and Aquaculture in Türkiye


The latest edition of the EUMOFA Monthly Highlights features a case study on Fisheries and Aquaculture in Türkiye.

The document is available at the following link: https://eumofa.eu/documents/20124/149085/MH+10+2024+FINAL.pdf/9076a12e-52ae-451d-908a-b35edafe1400?t=1734705980809

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AquaFarm 2025


The 8th edition of AquaFarm, an international conference & trade show on aquaculture, shellfish farming, algaculture and fishing industry will take place on 12-13 February 2025, in Pordenone, Italy.

High-level international conference sessions including leading experts and an international trade exhibition featuring the industry’s main leading companies are being held as part of the event.

The topics covered include:

  • Decarbonization and energy self-generation and consumption in aquaculture;
  • Functional feeds for aquaculture;
  • New technologies in aquaculture (precision aquaculture, artificial intelligence, robotics, nanotechnology).

Find out more regarding AquaFarm 2025 and register at the following link:


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The 2nd Annual European Blue Economy Conference: How can the Blue Economy support a more sustainable and competitive Europe?


The 2nd Annual European Blue Economy Conference: How can the Blue Economy support a more sustainable and competitive Europe? will take place on 04 February 2025 in Brussels, Belgium.

The key themes of the conference are:

  • Marine Renewable Energy;
  • European Maritime Transport Industry;
  • Ports;
  • Sustainable Coastal Tourism;
  • Fisheries and Aquaculture.

Policymakers from the EU, its Member States, local governments, academics, non-governmental organizations, and representatives from the energy, maritime, shipping, and technology sectors will come together at the event to discuss the latest policies, initiatives and innovations that guarantee the EU Blue Economy can support a more competitive and sustainable Europe.

Registration and further details are available at the link below:


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Training Course: Shellfish and Seaweed Production in Research Infrastructures


AQUAEXCEL3.0 project, funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, is organizing the training course Shellfish and Seaweed Production in Research Infrastructures, which offers a thorough exploration of seaweed and shellfish production within research-focused infrastructure.

The course, which is split into two sections, combines online lectures with curated background literature. Essential topics are covered in the first section, such as techniques for producing shellfish from hatchery to grow-out stages and the production methods for seaweed from hatchery to land-based farming and extending to offshore cultivation. A recorded online lecture, along with procedural guides and selected readings, make up the second section.

The Live version (Part 1) of the course will take place online, on January 29th during 9:00 – 13:00 (CET). Following the execution of the live version, the non-live version (Part 2) will be made available to all registered applications.

Researchers, PhD and MSc students, technicians and industry professionals who want to learn about the important factors involved in the production of seaweed and shellfish are the target audience for this course.

In order to register, access the following link: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=sI6uudSy0EOinUfXJkPhgypypYo3CiFOgj4r6LNYWh9UQ1owVTRXOTZMTjNENjI2REJJM1ZUUk5FVy4u&origin=lprLink&route=shorturl

The deadline for registration is 27 January 2025, 9:00hrs CET.

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EU Recommendations and Good Practices for Sustainable Aquaculture


In order to promote sustainable aquaculture in the EU, the European Commission has released three new staff working documents. Three key topics are covered in the documents:

  1. Access to space and water for freshwater and land-based aquaculture;
  2. Climate-change adaptation in the EU aquaculture sector;
  3. Energy transition in the EU aquaculture sector.

The first Staff Working Document (available at Access to space and water for freshwater and land-based aquaculture), which complements the previous Commission publication from April 2024 on planning access to space and water for marine aquaculture, focuses on the challenges facing inland aquaculture, particularly access to space and water.

The purpose of the second Staff Working Document (available at Climate-change adaptation in the EU aquaculture sector) is to support Member States and the aquaculture sector in creating Climate Adaptation Plans for aquaculture, explaining how aquaculture in the EU is being impacted by climate change and providing guidance on developing plans for climate adaptation. The document also includes examples of good practices for several climate adaptation measures.

The third Staff Working Document (available at Energy transition in the EU aquaculture sector) outlines the main energy use in the aquaculture sector along with recommendations for decarbonization. The publication takes a practical approach, listing good practices and highlighting EU-funded projects actively involved in the decarbonisation of aquaculture.

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Good Practice: Nordic SeaFarm, Sweden


Nordic SeaFarm, Sweden is one of Europe’s leading producers of fair-grown seaweed, cultivating Sugar Kelp, Sea Lettuce and oarweed.

Find out more at: https://www.nordicseafarm.com/

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“The EU Fish Market” 2024 Edition


The European Market Observatory for Fisheries and Aquaculture Products (EUMOFA) has published the 2024 edition of the report “The EU fish market”, based on data available as of November 2024.

The goal of the report is to provide an economic overview of the European aquaculture and fisheries sector. It provides answers to questions about what is produced, exported or imported, as well as when and where, what is consumed, by whom, and the main trends.

The publication is available at https://eumofa.eu/documents/20124/145239/EFM2024_EN.pdf/bd21aeb4-4a3e-3f6e-9f3f-b386fcb0a6ec?t=1733150606293.

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FAMENET Report on the benefits of EMFF CLLD in coastal communities


The Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE) has published a FAMENET report on the benefits of EMFF CLLD in coastal communities.

Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) is a bottom-up, participative approach to fostering sustainable development through projects selected at local level to address local needs. CLLD was funded under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF, 2014-2020) for the second programming period in fisheries and aquaculture areas.

The report, the first of a series of studies on fisheries CLLD undertaken by FAMENET, presents data reported by EMFF Managing Authorities in Infosys1 and information provided by 149 FLAGs through a survey on their achievements under the EMFF, as well as information provided by newly established 2021-2027 FLAGs (under the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund, EMFAF).

The report is available at https://oceans-and-fisheries.ec.europa.eu/publications/what-does-clld-bring-coastal-and-fisheries-communities-around-europe_en.