FAMENET Report on the benefits of EMFF CLLD in coastal communities
Category:NewsThe Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE) has published a FAMENET report on the benefits of EMFF CLLD in coastal communities.
Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) is a bottom-up, participative approach to fostering sustainable development through projects selected at local level to address local needs. CLLD was funded under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF, 2014-2020) for the second programming period in fisheries and aquaculture areas.
The report, the first of a series of studies on fisheries CLLD undertaken by FAMENET, presents data reported by EMFF Managing Authorities in Infosys1 and information provided by 149 FLAGs through a survey on their achievements under the EMFF, as well as information provided by newly established 2021-2027 FLAGs (under the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund, EMFAF).
The report is available at https://oceans-and-fisheries.ec.europa.eu/publications/what-does-clld-bring-coastal-and-fisheries-communities-around-europe_en.