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Guidelines on Aquaculture Restocking and Stock Enhancement

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Guidelines on Aquaculture Restocking and Stock Enhancement


The publication Guidelines on aquaculture restocking and stock enhancement, prepared by the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), aims to support Mediterranean and Black Sea countries in restocking and stock enhancement while preventing harm to biodiversity, natural habitats, ecosystems and related ecosystem services, based on good practices and the best available knowledge. 

The publication starts with an introduction on the background and the scope of the guidelines and highlights that national aquaculture regulatory frameworks should include provisions regulating aquaculture restocking and stock enhancement, it identifies the general principles for stock enhancement that should be followed and provides guidance on broodstock management, reproduction, the release of juveniles and potential management programmes.

You can check out the guidelines at the link below:
