Strategic Guidelines for a More Sustainable and Competitive EU Aquaculture for the Period 2021 to 2030
Category:NewsThe European Comission has provided general guidelines on addressing the challenges and opportunities of the EU aquaculture sector, prepared in close consultation with EU Member States and stakeholders, notably those represented in the Aquaculture Advisory Council, while also taking into consideration the results of a public consultation and the views expressed by the European Parliament on the development of EU aquaculture.
The document sets the path for EU aquaculture to become a reference as a sector that is resilient, competitive and a global standard in sustainability and quality. In order to achieve this objective, it is necessary to have the support of all relevant actors (including EU Member States, the EU aquaculture industry, and other stakeholders such as NGOs) in implementing these guidelines.
You can check out the guidelines at the following links: (English) (Greek) (Romanian)