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Category Archives: News

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Financing Opportunity for Aquaculture Products Processing – Romania


The General Department for Fisheries – Managing Authority for the Operational Programme for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs (Romania) has launched a session for submitting applications under the Operational Programme for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs 2014-2020, Union Priority 5 – Fostering Marketing and Processing, Measure IV.4 – Processing of Fishery and Aquaculture Products.

Call Code: POPAM/1016/5/2/Art. 69

Deadline for submission of proposals: 07.08.2022, 14:00

Total financial allocation for this call: 30.157.450,50 LEI, the equivalent of 6.095.000,00  EURO

For this call of proposals, the applications and the attached documents will be uploaded and submitted online with digital signature in the electronic app MySMIS2014, that can be found at http://www.fonduri-ue.ro/mysmis, only in the mentioned timeframe.

For this call, one applicant can only submit one proposal.

Maximum eligible value for one project is 4.947.900,00 LEI (equivalent of 1.000.000 EURO)

Minimum eligible value for one project is: 24.739,50 LEI (equivalent of 5.000 EURO)

The applicant has to comply to the eligibility and conformity requirements mentioned in the Applicants Guide for this measure. The selection and evaluation procedure can be found at www.ampeste.ro and is also available at the Regional Centers for the Operational Programme for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs (Romania). The Applicants Guide can be found on the General Department for Fisheries – Managing Authority for the Operational Programme for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs (Romania) site, www.ampeste.ro.

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Financing Opportunity for Aquaculture – Romania


The General Department for Fisheries – Managing Authority for the Operational Programme for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs (Romania) has launched a session for submitting applications under the Operational Programme for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs 2014-2020, Union Priority 2 – Fostering Environmentally Sustainable, Resource-Efficient, Innovative, Competitive and Knowledge-Based Aquaculture, Measure II.2 – Productive Investments in Aquaculture.

Call Code: POPAM/1018/2/2/Art. 48

Deadline for submission of proposals: 07.08.2022, 14:00

Total financial allocation for this call: 59.839.179,95 LEI, the equivalent of 12.093.853,95  EURO

For this call of proposals, the applications and the attached documents will be uploaded and submitted online with digital signature in the electronic app MySMIS2014, that can be found at http://www.fonduri-ue.ro/mysmis, only in the mentioned timeframe.

For this call, one applicant can only submit one proposal.

Maximum eligible value for one project is:

  • for SMEs and sole traders, sole partnerships and family partnerships – 9.895.800,00 LEI (equivalent of 2.000.000 EURO)
  • for large enterprises – 16.328.070,00 LEI (equivalent of 3.300.000 EURO)
  • for Research Units with production activity in the field of aquaculture, that carry out economic activity 9.895.800,00 LEI (equivalent of 2.000.000 EURO)
  • for legally established associations that carry out economic activity in the field of aquaculture, when the operations are implemented by producers organizations, associations of producer organizations or interprofessional organizations 14.101.515,00 LEI (equivalent of 2.850.000 EURO)
  • for fishery cooperative companies which carry out economic activities in the field of aquaculture – 14.101.515,00 LEI (equivalent of 2.850.000 EURO)

Minimum eligible value for one project is: 24.739,50 LEI (equivalent of 5.000 EURO)

The applicant has to comply to the eligibility and conformity requirements mentioned in the Applicants Guide for this measure. The selection and evaluation procedure can be found at www.ampeste.ro and is also available at the Regional Centers for the Operational Programme for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs (Romania). The Applicants Guide can be found on the General Department for Fisheries – Managing Authority for the Operational Programme for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs (Romania) site, www.ampeste.ro.

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Romania: Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry Profile


The European Market Observatory for Fisheries and Aquaculture Products provides an analysis of the fisheries and aquaculture supply chain in Romania.

Updated quantitative and qualitative data are reported, identifying main species landed, farmed and sold and main consumers’ attitudes within the country.

ENGLISH – Romania: Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry Profile

ROMANIAN – Romania: Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry Profile

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Greece: Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry Profile


The European Market Observatory for Fisheries and Aquaculture Products provides an analysis of the fisheries and aquaculture supply chain in Greece.

Updated quantitative and qualitative data are reported, identifying main species landed, farmed and sold and main consumers’ attitudes within the country.

ENGLISH – Greece: Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry Profile

GREEK – Greece: Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry Profile

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EUMOFA Case Study: Meagre in the EU


The European Market Observatory for Fisheries and Aquaculture Products (EUMOFA) published a case study regarding the meagre production and market trends at the EU level.

The study includes:
• A description of the product;
• An analysis of production and market trends at EU level;
• An analysis of the price structure along the supply chain in France, Italy and Greece.

The document (in English) is available at the following link:


The study is also available in Greek, at the address:


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Romanian Aquaculture and Fisheries Programme 2021-2027


The General Department for Fisheries – Managing Authority for the Operational Programme for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs (Romania) is organising an online consultation session on March 3rd, 2022 at 11:00.

The topic addressed concerns the operations regarding the aquaculture sector within the Aquaculture and Fisheries Programme 2021-2027 for Romania.

In order to join, access the link below on the date of the event:


Also, the third version of the Aquaculture and Fisheries Programme 2021-2027 is available online at the address:


Comments and additions can be sent to the email address programare.popam@madr.ro, until March 18, 2022.

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A new strategic vision for sustainable aquaculture production and consumption in the European Union


Did you know that more than half of the world’s fish and other aquatic food for human consumption comes from aquaculture? Aquaculture has been the fastest growing food production activity in the world in decades. This growth is expected to continue.

Fish products are particularly healthy, providing a supply of vitamins and minerals necessary for the proper functioning of the body.

In the brochure found at the link below you can read about the benefits of aquaculture, its development within the Union and you can learn about the course of fish products from the producer to the consumer’s plates and about the rules the aquaculture producers in the EU have to obey before they deliver their products to the consumer.


The brochure is available in English, Romanian and Greek among several other languages.

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Financing Opportunity for Aquaculture Research Institutions – Romania


The General Department for Fisheries – Managing Authority for the Operational Programme for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs (Romania) has launched a session for submitting applications under the Operational Programme for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs 2014-2020, Union Priority 2 – Fostering Environmentally Sustainable, Resource-Efficient, Innovative, Competitive and Knowledge-Based Aquaculture, Measure II.7 – Increasing the potential of aquaculture sites.

Call Code: POPAM/997/2/3/Art.51

Submission start: 07.02.2022, 14:00

Deadline for submission of proposals: 09.03.2022, 14:00

Eligible applicants are Aquaculture Research Institutions and the National Agency for Fisheries and Aquaculture.

Total financial allocation for this call: 6.430.190 LEI, the equivalent of 1.300.000 EURO

Maximum eligible value for one project is: 3.215.095 LEI (equivalent of 650.000 EURO, with the INFOREURO exchange rate for February 2022 being 4.9463 LEI/EUR)

Minimum eligible value for one project is: 24.731,50 LEI (equivalent of 5000 EURO, with the INFOREURO exchange rate for February 2022 being 4.9463 LEI/EUR)

For this call of proposals, the applications and the attached documents will be uploaded and submitted online with digital signature in the electronic app MySMIS2014, that can be found at http://www.fonduri-ue.ro/mysmis, only in the mentioned timeframe.

For this call, one applicant can only submit one proposal.

The applicant has to comply to the eligibility and conformity requirements mentioned in the Applicants Guide for this measure. The selection and evaluation procedure can be found at www.ampeste.ro and is also available at the Regional Centers for the Operational Programme for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs (Romania). The Applicants Guide has been approved through the Order of the Agriculture and Rural Development Minister no. 245/21.09.2021 and can be found on the General Department for Fisheries – Managing Authority for the Operational Programme for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs (Romania) site, www.ampeste.ro.

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EIT Food Accelerator Network (EIT FAN) Programme


The EIT Food Accelerator Network (EIT FAN) programme aims to fast-track science and technology-based innovations that are helping to solve global food system challenges. The four-month programme is managed by leading EIT Food partner organizations, operating from different regional hub locations in Europe. Impactful agrifood startups are connected with industry-leading corporate and research partners, in order to pilot innovative technology and to achieve a successful market adoption.

Eligibility criteria

For your business to be eligible, innovation must be underpinned by a science or technology with a proof of concept, or pilot project execution. It must also fall under one of EIT Food’s key focus areas: Alternative proteins; Targeted nutrition; Digital traceability; Sustainable agriculture; Sustainable aquaculture; Circular systems.

In order to apply for EIT FAN your company must be registered and established in an EU member state, or Horizon Europe associated countries. Your company must be at a pre-seed stage (you must not have closed a Series A investment round yet), and ideally, it has successfully completed customer validation and is able to demonstrate traction, for example, through letters of support, sales, or signed letters of intent.

Funding: up to €10,000

With the EIT FAN grant also comes the opportunity to access follow-on EIT Food funding and support through EIT Food’s Impact Fund.

Date for submitting applications

You can submit your applications from the beginning of January to the end of February each year, and all applications are evaluated from March-May. The start-ups considered to have the highest impact potential will be selected (up to 60 startup teams).

For more information access: https://entrepreneurship.eitfood.eu/accelerate/

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Survey for fishers/aquaculture producers


FARNET published a survey for fishers/aquaculture producers, as part of some research they are conducting on fisheries supply chains.

The survey is currently available in the following languages: English, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish.  This will take approximately 12 minutes to complete and most of the questions are multiple-choice and only estimates are required.

So, if you are a producer or a fisher, please complete the survey that can be found at the following link:


Your participation is very much appreciated!