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Category Archives: News

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1st Local Workshop with Entrepreneurs – Romania-Ukraine, 25 May, 2021


On May 25th 2021, the project partners from Romania (Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development, Fishing Areas Federation, Association of Cross-border Cooperation “Lower Danube Euroregion”) and Ukraine (Agency of Sustainable Development and European Integration “Lower Danube” Euroregion”) hosted the 1st local workshop with entrepreneurs.

The workshop took place physically in 4 locations, 3 of them being in Romania (Tulcea, Braila and Galati) and one in Ukraine (Izmail), connected to each other online through the Zoom platform.

In addition to presenting topics of interest in the field of aquaculture, such as the state of aquaculture in the two countries, financing opportunities in the field of aquaculture, examples of good practice, etc., the workshop gave the participants the opportunity to interact with each other, in order to develop possible future collaborations and to exchange knowledge, experience and good practices.

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The second local dissemination event for stakeholders from Turkey – 18 May, 2021


The second local dissemination event for stakeholders from Turkey took place via Zoom connection on 18 May 2021, during 14:00-16:30.

The aim of the event was to identify and integrate relevant stakeholders in the DACIAT project implementation process and to provide consultation and feedback on major deliverables and outputs achieved. The main topics included information about the project activities carried out, discussions regarding the establishment of a virtual training center in order to develop aquaculture and fish trade and increase existing competencies and the establishment of a committee to create a policy document for the development of the sector, as well as input from the participants regarding the aquaculture sector and the project.

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EUMOFA Workshop – COVID-19 and Seafood: Impact and Way Forward


As part of the European Maritime Day 2021, the European Market Observatory for Fisheries and Aquaculture Products (EUMOFA) is organizing the workshop “COVID-19 and seafood: impact and way forward”.

The event is free and it will be held on 21 May 2021, 09:00 – 10:15 CET, on Zoom. The workshop will focus on the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the fishery and aquaculture supply chains and the policies and measures needed in order to address the economic effects of the crisis.

For information on how to join the workshop and more information regarding the event, please access the following link:


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Financing Opportunity for Productive Investments in Aquaculture – Romania


The General Direction for Fisheries – Managing Authority for the Operational Programme for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs (Romania) has launched in April 2021 a call for proposals under the Operational Programme for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs 2014-2020, Union Priority 2 – Fostering environmentally sustainable, resource-efficient, innovative, competitive and knowledge-based aquaculture, Measure II.2 – Productive Investments in Aquaculture.

Eligible applicants are companies with NACE code 0321 – Marine aquaculture or 0322 – Freshwater aquaculture as registered object of activity.

Both companies with an operational history and newly established companies, organized in the following forms, are eligible for funding:

  • Sole traders, sole partnerships and family partnerships (established under the Government Urgency Ordinance no. 44/2008, with subsequent amendments);
  • General partnerships, limited partnerships, public limited companies, partnerships limited by shares and private limited companies (established based on Law no. 31/1990, republished, with subsequent amendments);
  • Legally established associations that carry out economic activity;
  • Fishery cooperative companies, that carry out economic activity in the aquaculture sector;
  • Research units with production activity in the field of aquaculture that carry out economic activity, in accordance with the provisions of art. 95, para. (2) lit. (a) of REGULATION (EU) NO. 508 of May 15, 2014.

Deadline for submission of proposals: 18.06.2021, at 14:00.

More information and Guidelines for Applicants are available at:



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Financing Opportunity for Romanian Aquaculture Farms


The General Direction for Fisheries – Managing Authority for the Operational Programme for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs (Romania) has launched a call for proposals under the Operational Programme for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs 2014-2020, Union Priority 2 – Fostering environmentally sustainable, resource-efficient, innovative, competitive and knowledge-based aquaculture, Measure II.11 – Public health measures.

Eligible applicants are economic operators who own aquaculture facilities and who registered a temporary reduction in sales of fish from their own production due to the Covid-19 pandemic, during 16.03.2020-31.05.2020, compared to the average sales achieved in the same period in 2017, 2018 and 2019.

Deadline for submission of proposals: 10.02.2021

More information:


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The second local dissemination event for stakeholders from Romania – Galati, 3 December, 2020


On December 3rd, ACTEDJ organized the Local Dissemination Event   in the context of the Improving the existing competences and developing new ones in the aquaculture and fish products trade sector” DACIAT BSB-461 project. DACIAT’s overall objective is to improve actual capacities in the field of aquaculture by increased cross-border cooperation in the Black Sea Region and, specifically, to upgrade the innovation capacity of existing enterprises activating in the field of aquaculture. The project is building on a consolidated experience of exchange by moving towards concrete transfer of good practices in 4 Black Sea countries – Romania, Greece, Turkey and Ukraine – aiming to improve their competences, especially in what concerns support for aquaculture enterprises, in particular SMEs.

At the event, that has as a goal to identify and integrate relevant stakeholders in the project implementation process, participated the representatives of both public and private sector, that are active in the aquaculture field. The event included 2 parts – one where the ACTEDJ team presented the project results and a second one – enabling a spec for discussion especially focused on DT1.4.1Overview of markets and marketing strategies in all partner regions and DT1.3.1_Common Guidelines Aquaculture Business Romania and how they can be transferred/used at the local and regional level. The event took place at Danubius University, Senate Hall, Bd. Galati, no. 3, on December 3, 2020 starting with 14:30 and was attended by 20 participants.

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The third DACIAT Newsletter, covering months 13-18 of implementation

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“Recirculating Aquaculture Systems” – EUMOFA Study


The European Market Observatory for Fisheries and Aquaculture Products (EUMOFA) published the study “Recirculating Aquaculture Systems” (RAS), which aims to provide a better understanding of the recirculating aquaculture systems within the European Union’s aquaculture sector.

The study is available at the following link:


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The second local dissemination event for stakeholders from Ukraine – Izmail, 28 July, 2020


On July 28th 2020 Project Beneficiary 6 Agency of Sustainable Development and European Integration “Lower Danube Euroregion” held the 2nd local dissemination event, in Izmail (Ukraine). The aim of the event was to identify and integrate relevant stakeholders in the DACIAT project implementation process as well as to provide consultation and feedback on major deliverables and outputs achieved.

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WEBINAR: Practical applications of EUMOFA’s international trade database on fisheries and aquaculture products


The European Market Observatory for Fisheries and Aquaculture products (EUMOFA) is offering a free webinar in English that will give participants guidance on the main practical applications of its trade database on fisheries and aquaculture products.

During the 50-minute webinar, which will take place on the 29th of April 2020, 10:30 a.m. CET, EUMOFA experts will be available to interact with participants and respond to questions.

More information: https://www.eumofa.eu/webinar